Show Recognition Information & Submission Form

The submission form is at the bottom of the page


2025 WDAA World Show Qualification Requirements:

  • The horse qualifies.
  • The horse must qualify in every level that it will show in at the World Show.
  • For Introductory – Basic levels, the horse must earn 63% or higher, in at least 1 WDAA Recognized show, either in person or online.
  • For Level 1-5 the horse must earn 60% or higher, in at least 1 WDAA Recognized show, either in person or online.
  • The qualification period begins September 23, 2024, and ends August 25th, 2025.
  • If the horse has qualified in the appropriate levels by the requirements above, there is no need to qualify for rail classes or freestyle with a score.

The WDAA World Show staff and officials strongly recommend attending several live shows prior to attending the World Show. We understand that a few of our Western Dressage enthusiasts have no Western Dressage shows in their areas where they can qualify, which is why we allow online qualifications.

Questions? Please contact


  • The criteria for WDAA Show Recognition provide the opportunity for all horses to be judged on a level playing field when they compete in western dressage classes. Exhibitors can also be assured that show management and officials at these shows are competent and knowledgeable.
  • Participants in the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program (WHLPAP) can only earn points at WDAA Recognized shows. For all WHLPAP information, please visit 


  1. Show Recognition is available for eligible online, live, and USEF-licensed shows. Factors applied to each type of show for horses enrolled in WHLPAP are shown in the chart below.

    • Rules and information for online shows are shown below on this page.
  1. We recommend submitting your application using the online form (HERE) at least 30 days prior to the show start date to allow time for processing and promotion on our calendar.

a. The online submission form provides for payment by credit card [strongly recommended] or by check (mail to WDAA, PO Box 2349, Parker, CO 80134). Form submission and payment by US mail may delay approval of the show. 

b. A unique recognized show identification number will be assigned by WDAA.

c. WDAA will provide an exclusive branded digital logo for show promotion. You may use the digital logo ONLY for advertising your show as WDAA recognized; it may not be added to show awards or altered in any way for any other purpose.

d. All WDAA recognized shows will be posted on the WDAA Event Calendar.

e. Shows cannot be approved if the judge(s) has not been identified on the form.

f. Please submit the show prize list at the time of show submission. Include fields for owner and rider WDAA membership numbers and horse WHLPAP numbers on entry forms.

g. Please do not submit USEF-licensed shows to WDAA for recognition until you have received approval and show number from USEF. 

h. Individual applications and fees must be submitted for each individual show.

i. WDAA retains the right of final approval for recognition of all events.

  1. All WD tests and rail classes must be judged by USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges. Find USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges HERE

a. USEF “r” Western Dressage judges are approved to judge Western Dressage Intro, Basic, and Level 1 tests and all rail classes.

b. USEF “R” Western Dressage judges are approved to judge all levels of Western Dressage tests and all rail classes.

c. Dressage judges and L graduates are not eligible to judge WDAA recognized shows. 

d. Any changes in judging assignment (before or during the show) must be sent to WDAA as soon as the change is known by the show manager.

  1. The show must use current WDAA tests (available HERE). Please display test information as “WDAA Western Dressage tests”, not “USEF Western Dressage tests”.
  2. All classes must be designated with a unique class number.
  3. A designated person or USEF steward must check horse, tack, and attire of at least one-third of the horses in each class. Any horse must be eliminated from the test if a horse or any tack is in violation of the rules. An electronic copy of the equipment guide is provided to show management.
  4. All riders, owners, trainers, lessees, coaches, lessees and agents with horses entered in western dressage classes at USEF-licensed Regular and Local shows must be members of WDAA or pay a non-member show pass fee at the show.

a. Please encourage non-members to join WDAA using the online form before the start of the show.

b. Forms and membership-related documents are provided by WDAA to show managers/secretaries in the approval letter.

  1. All horses competing in Federation licensed competitions must be properly identified. Horses must have 1 of the 3 options listed below:

a. A WDAA horse registration number –To sign up for a FREE WDAA horse number please visit If you already have a WDAA Horse Lifetime
Points and Awards Program (WHLPAP) horse number, that will be your WDAA horse number.

b. A USEF horse identification number – For a free USEF horse ID, visit ,
join as a USEF Fan Member. Once you have your USEF Fan member number, you can then sign up for your USEF Horse ID.

c. The horse’s breed registration number.

    9. Results must be submitted to within 14 days after the end of the show. Results may be submitted using the template provided, your own Excel sheet, or any of several other software formats used by USEF/USDF, AHA, etc.

   10. All WDAA Recognized Shows will be governed by the USEF WD Rule Book and must adhere to USEF WD rules for all tests and rail classes. 

   11. All WDAA Recognized Shows must comply with Safe Sport Sanctions by denying entrance to show grounds for anyone listed on the Safe Sport Sanction page. Please see USEF General Rule 703 for details on the regulations of suspended persons.

   12. Some rules for WDAA Recognized Shows licensed as USEF Lite supersede the USEF Lite rules. View the USEF/WDAA Competition Comparison Chart HERE.

  13. Shows must follow all local, state, and federal requirements relative to horse and human health.



Show results must be submitted in standard computer format (DAT, XLS, PDF, CSV, or other USEF-accepted format) within 14 days to .

Current point factor chart for horses enrolled in WHLPAP to earn points at WDAA Recognized Shows

  • Online shows recognized by WDAA earn half points.
  • USEF-licensed shows judged by USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges earn double points for horses enrolled in WHLPAP.
  • Test scores for the WDAA Online International Challenge show earn 1.5 points for horses enrolled in WHLPAP.
  • Test scores at the WDAA World Championship Show earn triple points for horses enrolled in WHLPAP.
  • If a WDAA Recognized Show is double-judged by 2 USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges, only one score from one judge per ride can be submitted.  You may pick the higher score of the two judges for each ride to submit. Average scores are not permitted.
  • Submissions from these tests and rail classes described above will be doubled within the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program software.
  • In no circumstances may a horse earn more than double points for a single ride, except at the WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show, where a single ride earns triple points.


To be recognized by WDAA, online shows must meet the same criteria for recognition as for live shows. Refer to the Show Recognition page at

Online show hosts should provide this information by a link to this web page to their exhibitors and judge for them to be informed about how these shows are to be conducted and judged.

Online shows are available from several providers. All shows that meet the specific criteria provided by the show host in addition to those listed below are eligible for WDAA show recognition.

Online rail classes are not eligible for WDAA recognition

For a printable version of online show rules, click HERE

Please take all guidelines into consideration when preparing your video test submission.

  1. Use arenas that are as close to regulation size as possible and be sure letters are set appropriately to be easily viewed by the judge. Cones with large letters on them and poles on the ground to delineate the corners are acceptable and encouraged. For arena measurements, please visit this link:
  • Intro tests, Basic tests, and Walk–Jog and Intermediate Horsemanship may use a 20 x 40-meter arena or a 20 x 60-meter arena.
  • Level 1 tests through Level 5 tests and Advanced Horsemanship must use a 20 x 60-meter arena
  • All Freestyles are in a 20 x 60-meter arena
  1. Videos of tests must be unedited from start to finish, including the equipment, attire, and bit check. Videos must be always one continuous recording with the horse and rider visible.
  2. Videos must be filmed in LANDSCAPE orientation.
  3. The test must be videoed from behind C, 3 to 6 feet from the rail, where the judge would normally be seated. Try adding a little height by standing on a mounting block, for example.
  4. Prior to beginning the test, a sign must be held up showing the name of the show, WDAA show recognition #, date of the show, horse’s name, class # and test.
  • Remove the sign just before the ride begins.
  • The videographer can hold the sign then move back to behind the camera or hold the sign in front of the camera at arm’s length while also holding the camera.
  • The sign must be in focus, for the correct ride, and held in front of the camera long enough to be readable.
  1. Keep the horse in frame, paying close attention to the near corners. You may zoom in on the far end and corners. Videos must be in focus. Keep the camera centered on the horse on the centerlines.
  2. Make sure to keep the letters in the frame that are elements of the test being performed. Keep the horse in the LAST 1/3 of the viewing screen in landscape view (2/3 of the view screen in front of moving horse). This will allow the judge to see approximately two letters in front of the horse which is necessary for depth perception and line evaluation. In general, keep the horse’s feet in the bottom 1/3 of the viewfinder.
  3. Coaching during the test is not allowed EXCEPT for WDAA Exceptional Rider tests.
  4. The natural background sound for the test must be audible. Tests with no sound at all will not be accepted. Freestyles must have music in the background but not digitally added to the video itself.
  5. The test may be called (except for Freestyle).
  6. Each video must be of a test ridden at the show where it was videoed; the video may not be a ride from a previous show (online or live).


  1. As soon as the test is finished, the camera must slowly circle the horse and rider showing all equipment and attire from both sides, including spurs and whip if used. The spurs must be shown for a count of three seconds. You do not need to spin the rowels.
  • If the videographer is unable to enter the arena, at G the rider may turn the horse slowly, wait five seconds, then turn slowly to show the second side, and wait an additional 5 seconds to complete filming of the equipment.
  1. Show the bridle on the horse, from both sides.
  2. After a view of both sides of the horse is shown the rider must dismount for the bridle check.
  • Exceptional riders are exempt from the bit dropping requirement and are not required to dismount. Participants should still abide by all USEF regulations pertaining to attire, tack, and equipment for the recognized show.
  1. Prior to dropping the bridle, show that two fingers can fit between the cavesson (if there is one) or bosal and the horse’s cheek, then drop the bit.
  2. Hold the bridle still so the bit can clearly be seen, in frame, for a minimum count of five seconds.
  3. Be sure to zoom in on the curb chain and bit.
  4. If you are using a bosal, you must drop that as well. After you remove the bosal, show both sides of your horse’s face, unobstructed, as well as the bosal. Please demonstrate flexibility of the bosal.
  5. A cavesson must be shown to the camera, both inside and out. Please demonstrate flexibility of the cavesson.
  6. Prior to submitting your video, review the equipment check in detail to ensure that all of the above requirements have been met and that the equipment checks have a clear, focused, steady view of your tack.
  7. You are responsible for knowing the correct rules for tack, attire, and equipment for Western Dressage. See USEF WD121-123 for additional information.
  8. Always direct questions concerning showing to the online show host listed on the prize list.


Enter your show for recognition here.

If you find an entry error or other problem after submitting your online form, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE A NEW FORM; send an email to or call 908-303-2821 for assistance.

  Submit a Show