WDAA Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program Rules

  1. WDAA Membership is required for participation in WHLPAP. The horse owner and exhibitor  must be current WDAA members in good standing. JOIN OR RENEW NOW
  2.  This award program is open to all horses, ponies, and mules regardless of breed registration, type, age, etc.  Enrollment is required by submitting a Horse Lifetime Enrollment Form along with the enrollment fee of $100. Enrollment deadline for current season award presentation eligibility is July 1st.
  3. Points can ONLY be earned at WDAA recognized shows in tests and classes judged by USEF- Western Dressage Judges. USEF “r” Western Dressage judges are approved to judge Western Dressage Intro, Basic, and Level 1 tests and Western Dressage Suitability, Hack, and Equitation rail classes. USEF “R” Western Dressage judges are approved to judge all levels of Western Dressage tests and Western Dressage Suitability, Hack, and Equitation rail classes. L graduates are not eligible to judge WDAA recognized shows. 
  4. Eligible competitions include WDAA Recognized shows of any level, online, Live shows, USEF, and WDAA hosted shows including the WDAA Online International Challenge and the WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show.
  5. Points may be earned with more than one exhibitor. All exhibitors must be current WDAA members.
  6. Points are cumulative and need not be earned in one competition year.
  7. Points earned from test and rail classes will be calculated within the WHLPAP software.
  8. Visit the WHLPAP Program How Points are Calculated page for details on how the points are calculated for WDAA Tests, Rail Classes and Western Dressage Seat Equitation Patterns.
  9. No points can be earned for tests scored less than 60%.
  10. No points can be earned for rail class Dressage Seat Equitation Pattern placement beyond 6th place or for classes having 2 or fewer competitors.
  11. Double points may be earned for an horse enrolled in WHLPAP if the WDAA Recognized Show is USEF licensed – ONLY if the judge officiating is a current USEF-licensed Western Dressage judge (see chart below).
  12. Tests from the previous calendar year may be submitted with required documentation and fees. Tests from the previous calendar year must also be accompanied by an Annual Recording Form and fee for that year.
  13. A horse enrolled in the program can continue to earn points with a new owner if the horse is sold. The points earned with the previous owner will stay with the horse. To transfer the points from one owner to the new owner, a Horse Transfer Form must be completed and submitted with the required fee.
  14. If a WDAA Recognized Show is double-judged by 2 USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges, only one score from one judge per ride can be submitted. You may pick the higher score of the two judges for each ride to submit.
  15. In no circumstances may a horse earn more than double points for a single ride, except at the WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show, where a single ride earns triple points.
  16. Scores earned at non-USEF–licensed WDAA Recognized Shows judged by USEF-licensed Western Dressage judges earn single-factor points.
  17. Online shows recognized by WDAA are eligible to earn .5 points.
  18. Point submission approval is subject to competition management providing official show results data.
  19. Annual Recordings and Point Submissions must be submitted with payment by July 31st to be eligible towards 2024 award presentations.